
进贤天气未来20天天气预报案 get sick be sick be ill in illness feel not good

穿书 男主不拿剧本txt案 I'm in poor health. I'm not feeling well. I feel sick. I'm ill. I have a (直接说病症) I having trouble with my (加上不舒服的部位) My xxx hurt 大概这么多 倒数第二楼的!Feeling

花都司机猎艳记txt下载案 “我生病了”的英语翻译是I am ill I am sick I fall ill。我生病了英语例句1、I was very sick yesterday.2、I had a stomachache and a headache.3、I had a fever and a

厦门有什么品牌可以加盟店案 生病 1.to fall ill; to ail; to sicken with; to become ill; to take sick2.a disorder of the body


天津正规婚介案 我生病了,英文是 I Am Sick 范文你可以参考一下。 I felt dizzy when I got up this morning. It didn't care about it, because I thought I just because I hadn't had a good

宠物美容寄养店logo案 你好很高兴为你解 我生病了用英语表示为I'm sick 生病fall ill; get ill; be taken ill; get sick 例句 尽管我生病了,我还是上学了。 I was ill, I still went to school.

好看扎头发图片步骤图案 你病了吗可以使用以下表达 Are you ill? Are you sick? Whats ailing you? Are you fell ill? 其中Are you ill和Are you sick在口语中使用最多。


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